Two school board members from districts serving Huntington Beach walked away with awards at this week's Orange County School Boards Association dinner.
Susan Henry, president of the Huntington Beach Union High School District’s Board of Trustees, earned the prestigious Marian Bergeson Award, while Celia Jaffe, a former Huntington Beach City School District board member, was named the winner of OCSBA's Maureen DiMarco Award. [...]
Another Friday is upon us, and than means we've got a few headlines you may have missed.
Click through for our weekly roundup of education news stories.
The Laguna Beach Unified School District launched its new site earlier this year to strengthen communication with parents and the community, and the redesign hasn’t gone unnoticed — it’s already been named a winning entry in the Web Marketing Association’s long-running WebAward Competition.
Click through to read more.
In case you missed it, Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation this week suspending the California High School Exit Exam -- and the requirement that students pass it as a graduation requirement -- through the 2017-18 school year. [...]
Earlier this month, we shared the news that Orange County students posted higher average scores than the rest of California on new English and math assessments.
Well, it looks like one O.C. district has posted the highest math scores of all large districts in the state -- and the second highest English scores. [...]
Marking a first for Orange County, the Anaheim City School District is giving every one of its students the opportunity to receive quality outdoor science education through OCDE’s long-running Inside the Outdoors program.
You read that right -- every student at every grade level. For Anaheim City, that means approximately 20,000 kids in transitional kindergarten through grade six will receive hands-on lessons covering science and nature. [...]
On the heels of its latest heatwave, Orange County awoke to sheets of rain on Tuesday morning, and there's a good chance for more precipitation throughout the day. [...]
Here we go again. Temperatures in some Orange County communities are expected to approach triple-digits this week, increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses, particularly for more sensitive populations.
“During extremely hot weather it is important to check on those who are at high risk to make sure they are staying cool,” says County Health Officer Dr. Eric Handler. “The people at highest risk during extreme heat include seniors who live alone, people with heart or lung disease, and young children.” [...]
The High School Inc. program at Valley High School in Santa Ana may have raised a few eyebrows when it announced that students who entered as sophomores had posted a near-perfect graduation rate of 98.5 percent in 2014.
But graduation statistics only tell part of the story. What’s perhaps most unique is this school-within-a-school’s approach to blending college and career readiness. Click through to learn more.
Perhaps you've been following the story of eight students from Santa Ana who earned the rare opportunity to be interns at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
On the day before they completed the program, we dispatched a video crew to talk about their experiences.