Working Wardrobes teams with OCDE to help prep students for jobs Fermin Leal April 9, 2018A crisp suit and tie or neatly pressed slacks and a blouse can go a long way in giving one...
Weekly roundup: Students’ battle of the books, 43 OC schools win ‘Distinguished’ prize, and more Fermin Leal April 6, 2018Anaheim Hills Elementary held its third annual Battle of the Books this spring. But instead of students facing off against...
OCDE to host summit aimed at providing teachers with skills to improve technology in classrooms Fermin Leal April 3, 2018Educators hoping to learn how to better incorporate technology into daily lessons while also improving their skills can attend Orange...
Weekly roundup: From adversity to honor rolls, state Academic Decathlon results, OC educators honored, and more Ian Hanigan March 30, 2018Lorena Cruz believes she might be a dropout statistic if not for the support she received at Laurel House, a...
Anaheim Union superintendent earns statewide honor for expanding civic education Ian Hanigan March 29, 2018The California Council for the Social Studies has recognized Anaheim Union High School District Superintendent Michael Matsuda for his work...
Association of California School Administrators honors three educational leaders from OC Ian Hanigan March 28, 2018Three Orange County educators have been tapped for state honors by the Association of California School Administrators through its annual...
Garden Grove’s Heritage Elementary to become a computer science academy in 2018-19 Ian Hanigan March 27, 2018Garden Grove Unified has partnered with a company called Code to the Future to transform one of its elementary campuses...
Local high school senior wins California’s Poetry Out Loud competition Ian Hanigan March 26, 2018An Orange County student has won a state competition that connects young people to poetry through memorization and performance. Alexis...
OC teams battle it out at the California Academic Decathlon Ian Hanigan March 25, 2018El Camino Real Charter High School has won the 2018 California Academic Decathlon. The Woodland Hills campus in the Los...
Robots compete in sumo, soccer and an obstacle course at La Habra City School District competition Ian Hanigan March 22, 2018The La Habra City School District held its second annual Robot Rally this week, drawing more than 80 tech-savvy students...