Academic event season has arrived, and we’ve compiled a list of important dates Ian Hanigan January 14, 2020January arguably marked the start of a new decade. It also ushered in academic event season. Over the next five months,...
Anaheim Union students clean up at Project Soapbox speech competition Ian Hanigan December 30, 2019We’re written a few times here about Project Soapbox, a public speaking competition that challenges young people across the country...
OC esports federation supported by OCDE is honored as a public-private partnership Ian Hanigan November 21, 2019An esports league that started in Orange County before expanding into a national federation has been honored as a model...
OC middle school students get a jump on National History Day projects Ian Hanigan November 20, 2019In March, hundreds of local students will present their original websites, papers, documentaries, performances and exhibits at OCDE’s annual National...
Students from five districts take part in Orange Unified’s game of drones Ian Hanigan June 6, 2019Students from eight schools representing five districts and three counties recently battled for air superiority in the Orange Unified School...
Local students triumph at National History Day-California competition Ian Hanigan May 15, 2019For Maverick Malfavon, months of research, writing and preparation came down to just 10 minutes. That’s how much time the...
Weekly roundup: LB teams advance in problem-solving contest, school safety after Columbine and more Ian Hanigan April 26, 2019A pair of teams from Laguna Beach Unified has advanced to the finals in a contest that tasks students with...
Fullerton School District students create smartphone apps to solve real-world challenges Ian Hanigan April 25, 2019They devised apps to help locate lost pets, apps to protect the environment and apps to promote health and safety....
Student team from OCDE program named a finalist in national rocket competition Ian Hanigan April 24, 2019This literally was rocket science. A team of students from OCDE’s home school program has been named a national finalist in...
Teams from two OC schools advance to the Science Olympiad National Tournament Ian Hanigan April 23, 2019For the second straight year, a pair of Orange County schools will represent California at the Science Olympiad National Tournament....