VIDEO: MTSS conference welcomes 2,500 educators to Orange County to learn academic, behavioral and social-emotional strategies Vicky Nguyen July 12, 2022Every student is unique, with their own abilities, challenges and learning styles that set them apart. Seeking to take in...
Superintendent Al Mijares and OC Board of Education incumbents win re-election Ian Hanigan July 8, 2022Orange County Superintendent Al Mijares and the incumbents on the OC Board of Education have all officially earned victories in...
First Vietnamese dual language immersion program in the state promotes students Vicky Nguyen July 5, 2022Near the heart of the Little Saigon business district and in a county that has the largest concentration of Vietnamese...
Here are some takeaways from California’s record spending plan for public schools Ian Hanigan July 2, 2022On the final day of June, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed off on a bundle of bills that together make up...
Weekly roundup: Student competes in Braille Challenge, new COVID-19 guidelines, superintendent earns champion award, and more Vicky Nguyen July 1, 2022Braille dots can be found on parking meters, bathroom signs, ATMs and even restaurant menus, but only about 10 percent...
Organization names County Superintendent Dr. Al Mijares a champion for empowering students Vicky Nguyen June 30, 2022Positively impacting the Orange County community and the thousands of students served by nonprofit organization Junior Achievement of Orange County...
Class of 2022: Here’s a roundup of OC graduation photos from social media Vicky Nguyen June 27, 2022Thousands of students said goodbye to high school this month as graduates of the Class of 2022. After a few...
Weekly roundup: OC athletes receive honors, a celebration of life for Laguna Beach principal, and more Madeline Gray June 24, 2022From baseball to diving to track, high school athletes across the county were recognized this week for their performances throughout...
Anaheim Union High School District’s iLab inspires students to tackle issues by innovating solutions Vicky Nguyen June 23, 2022Countless amounts of automatic hand sanitizer dispensers were installed in response to the pandemic, but recent graduate Thomas Dinh noticed...
Westminster High’s Queen Bees selected as a national finalist of ExploraVision science competition Vicky Nguyen June 21, 2022Life without honey bees could sting for the United States as the agricultural economy provides 19.7 million jobs and contributes...