La Habra City School District lands a new superintendent Ian Hanigan January 13, 2017The La Habra City School District has announced its next superintendent. Dr. Joanne Culverhouse, currently an assistant superintendent with the...
In the news: The secret’s out on OCDE’s Pacific Coast High School Ian Hanigan January 12, 2017Last month, we followed the incredible run of Pacific Coast High School’s mock trial team, which reached the county finals...
State board approves final pieces of its new school accountability system Ian Hanigan January 11, 2017The state’s new school accountability and improvement system now has a timeframe for its public debut — and an official...
Sealed and delivered: Garden Grove’s Cook Elementary School celebrates its National Blue Ribbon Ian Hanigan January 6, 2017Fifth-grader Tommy Nguyen will tell you that A.J. Cook Elementary School in Garden Grove is a special place — and...
OCDE earns state grant to help classified employees become credentialed teachers Ian Hanigan January 5, 2017Here’s one way California is responding to a statewide teacher shortage: OCDE and two dozen other agencies have been awarded...
In the news: Brea Olinda High wrestler demonstrates kindness after controversial call Ian Hanigan January 3, 2017Competitive wrestling and kindness don’t generally go hand in hand. So this Orange County Register story caught our attention. It’s about a Brea Olinda...
Laguna Beach fiscal chief tapped to be OCDE’s next associate superintendent of business services Ian Hanigan December 24, 2016The Orange County Department of Education has hired a new associate superintendent of business services. Dean West, who has led...
Latest physical fitness scores show OC kids outpacing state averages Ian Hanigan December 20, 2016Orange County students in grades five, seven and nine have once again outperformed state averages on an annual fitness assessment....
Verdict is in: PCHS advances to OC mock trial competition final Staff reports December 14, 2016For the first time in school history, the Pacific Coast High School mock trial team has become a finalist in the...
OCDE’s Pacific Coast High School heads to county mock trial semifinal competition for the first time Staff reports December 13, 2016They may be the smallest mock trial team in the county. Nevertheless, Pacific Coast High School’s 10-student squad has moved...