Weekly roundup: Oxford Academy student aims to recycle one million batteries, district celebrates anniversary, and more Vicky Nguyen October 7, 2022A high school junior from Oxford Academy is on a quest to save the planet, one used battery at a...
Welcome to Sherwood Forest: Outdoor learning space promotes curiosity through nature Vicky Nguyen October 5, 2022An unused piece of land that was part of the Orangethorpe Elementary School campus has been transformed into an outdoor...
VIDEO: Fullerton teachers and students take field trip to Sept. 11 memorial Vicky Nguyen September 13, 2022What happened in the U.S. on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 will always be a moment that Nancy Karcher...
Fullerton School District introduces second Korean dual language program in the county Madeline Gray June 9, 2022In Orange County, 68 public schools, including charters, are teaching their students a second language. While a total of 61...
#kindness1billion: Fullerton sixth-graders turn kindness into a weeklong assignment Ian Hanigan February 6, 2020The kind acts keep adding up in 2020. Nearly four years ago, OCDE launched its One Billion Acts of Kindness...
6 Orange County schools win 2019 National Blue Ribbon Fermin Leal September 26, 2019The U.S. Department of Education has awarded six Orange County public schools 2019 Blue Ribbons, the nation’s top honor for...
$1.4 million in grants awarded to support performing arts in OC Fermin Leal February 26, 2019The Fullerton School District and the Anaheim Elementary School District were recently awarded a combined $1.4 million in state grants...
Two OC schools win national recognition for arts education Fermin Leal November 13, 2018Ladera Vista Junior High School of the Arts and Orange County School of the Arts have been named Exemplary Schools...
AP tests for middle schoolers? At Fullerton School District, 70 take exam for the first time Fermin Leal May 16, 2018Seventy middle school students from the Fullerton School District took the Advanced Placement Computer Science Exam last year, with four...