Kindness Korner: A gift that keeps on giving for the mom that does everything Staff reports December 22, 2016Do you remember that Walt Disney cartoon, Goofy’s How to Play Baseball? Essentially, Goofy ends up playing many positions on the...
Kindness Korner: Peace Day in the Garden Grove Unified School District Staff reports October 28, 2016For students in the Garden Grove Unified School District, kindness came to life last month through a day of peace....
Kindness Korner: A sister’s modest gift inspires a promise to spend quality time together Staff reports October 6, 2016We’ve said it before: One act, large or small, can inspire many more. A Garden Grove girl named Emily recently shared...
Kindness Korner: Pay for delivery or pay it forward, couple offers to help move couch Staff reports September 16, 2016Melinda and her family were in the market for a new couch, and they found the perfect one at a local...
Kindness Korner: Traffic jam and air conditioning jam invite random act of kindness opportunity Staff reports August 12, 2016As cars begin to slow down on the freeway, the impending doom of a traffic jam sets in. But what if...
Kindness Korner: Final baseball game of the season for the team, first home run for one special senior Staff reports July 8, 2016Everyone deserves to have that out-of-this world feeling when the ball goes over the fence. That’s right, the moment you hit...
Kindness Korner: Her 11th birthday spent completing 11 acts of kindness Staff reports June 21, 2016Kids’ birthday celebrations are often tied to a theme, perhaps based on their favorite movie or character. But this year one Capistrano Beach...