Here’s the story behind Red Ribbon Week, which continues through Oct. 31 Ian Hanigan October 22, 2024The Orange County Department of Education has updated its online toolkit to support schools that plan on hosting activities tied...
Fullerton Union High School makes a splash with aquatic center debut Ian Hanigan October 21, 2024Once the ceremonial ribbon was cut, Fullerton Union High School Principal Jon Caffrey officially declared his campus’ new pool open...
Weekly roundup: NASA ‘Moon Tree’ planted by Santiago STEAM Magnet Elementary students, and more Madeline Gray October 18, 2024Orbiting the moon twice and returning to Earth, a giant sequoia sapling has made a permanent landing at Santiago STEAM...
Irvine principal is among nine nationwide to earn award for outstanding leadership Ian Hanigan October 17, 2024The principal of South Lake Middle School in the Irvine Unified School District has been named one of just nine...
OCDE conference helps language professionals bridge gaps in school communities Madeline Gray October 16, 2024The work of interpreters and translators is vital to the success of Orange County’s multilingual learners, with 77 percent of...
Ocean View High School opens new WellSpace to support student wellness Vicky Nguyen October 16, 2024Ocean View High School unveiled the Huntington Beach Unified School District’s latest WellSpace — called “The Well Nest” — to...
Weekly roundup: Fountain Valley students explore automotive careers at Hyundai, Los Alamitos High welcomes Anne Frank exhibit, and more Vicky Nguyen October 11, 2024A group of 31 eighth-grade students from the Fountain Valley School District had a unique learning experience this week when...
OCDE opens nominations to recognize outstanding school counselors Madeline Gray October 10, 2024From providing behavioral supports to offering career guidance, school counselors play an integral role in elevating the growth and success...
Orange County students exceed state, regional counterparts in key assessments Ian Hanigan October 10, 2024Orange County students have once again outpaced their peers on state assessments, surpassing California’s averages in English, math and science....
Cambodian American Studies model curriculum to debut at Long Beach conference Vicky Nguyen October 9, 2024Educators from across California will gather this November for a two-day conference in Long Beach, where they will have the...