Connect, interact and explore the Orange County Department of Education at the inaugural OCDE Services Showcase Ian Hanigan October 4, 2016Local educators, businesses and community partners will get a chance to learn more about the programs and services offered by...
Cox Communications offers grants to fund innovative class and school projects Ian Hanigan September 26, 2016Cox Communications is once again inviting innovative schools and classes within the company’s service area to apply for a share of...
OC Pathways puts students on the road to high-demand, high-skill and high-wage careers Ian Hanigan September 13, 2016We’ve posted a few stories in recent months about OC Pathways, an initiative that connects educators and industry leaders to equip...
OCDE in 30 Seconds: Career technical education offers STEM opportunities for all students Ian Hanigan August 11, 2016Game design, robotics, aviation — they’re just a few of the career technical ed courses offered through the Central Orange...
VIDEO: Students soar with solar-powered boats at 2016 Solar Cup Staff reports May 31, 2016When it comes to the 2016 Solar Cup, one student summed it for us: “You learn a lot and you...
Santiago High team takes first place in contest to build robots that can locate disaster survivors Ian Hanigan May 26, 2016A team of four students from Santiago High School in Garden Grove took first place at the Rescue Robotics Invitational at...
#Kindness1Billion: Tustin High juniors use 3-D printer to create prosthetic arm for fellow student Ian Hanigan May 17, 2016Tustin High was the first campus in Orange County to acquire a 3-D printer. Eight years later, it’s being utilized for...
Q&A: STEM director discusses educational technologies and classrooms of the future Ian Hanigan May 4, 2016Tom Turner’s title is an alphabet soup of abbreviations. He’s OCDE’s director of STEM CTE, which is short for Science,...
Beckman High School to host eighth annual SoCal Student Film Festival on April 30 Staff reports April 22, 2016Beckman High School in the Tustin Unified School District will host a national high school student film showcase and competition on...
Discovery Cube to host ocMaker Challenge Exhibit and Competition Staff reports April 18, 2016Heard of the ocMaker Challenge? It’s a STEM-based design competition that promotes creativity and innovation with this enterprising prompt for students: Design and build — or significantly...