Districts must show how they’re addressing learning gaps with new plan Ian Hanigan August 19, 2020This year, school districts won’t be expected to produce those long-range planning guides tied to budget projections, otherwise known as...
Mental health video made by La Quinta High students to air during Angels baseball games Ian Hanigan August 17, 2020A mental health awareness video created by students from La Quinta High School in the Garden Grove Unified School District...
Weekly roundup: Volunteer tutors in OC go virtual, closing the digital divide, and more Ian Hanigan July 24, 2020Young Leaders of Orange County (YLOC) is a group that was established in 2011, comprising mostly high school volunteers who...
Governor’s new mandate means OC schools will likely start 2020-21 with distance learning Staff reports July 17, 2020Orange County schools, along with campuses in 32 other counties on California’s COVID-19 watch list, can expect to start the...
Weekly roundup: OC Artists of the Year, distance learning considerations, and more Ian Hanigan July 3, 2020The Orange County Register has announced the top student artists recognized through its Orange County High School Artist of the...
Updated: OCDE offers resources to help spread the word about the 2020 Census Staff reports June 30, 2020The 2020 U.S. Census count is underway. As mandated by the U.S. Constitution, the federal Census Bureau conducts a nationwide...
Weekly roundup: A state budget deal, mindfulness in schools, campus reopening plans, and more Ian Hanigan June 26, 2020Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers have reportedly reached agreement on a spending plan for 2020-21, one that’s expected to...
Garden Grove moves to streamline access to mental health support Ian Hanigan June 24, 2020Garden Grove Unified has announced a new partnership aimed at increasing access to mental health services for the district’s approximately...
‘Orange County Together’ guide provides recommendations for safely reopening local schools Ian Hanigan June 19, 2020Representatives from the Orange County Department of Education and school districts across the county have developed a comprehensive guide with...
Weekly roundup: A circus parade, conversations on race, restarting prep sports, and more Ian Hanigan June 19, 2020As a gift to the community, and to celebrate local graduates, a cirque performer who lives in Fountain Valley organized...