Weekly roundup: Students use solar power in competition, governor’s budget seeks tech upgrades, and more Fermin Leal May 17, 2019Students from four Orange County high school teams will compete in the 2019 Solar Cup this weekend at Lake Skinner in...
Weekly roundup: Health education framework approved, lawmakers pitch school start-time bill, and more Ian Hanigan May 10, 2019The California Board of Education approved a new optional framework for health education this week, offering guidance to help K-12...
Weekly roundup: High school construction academy meets workforce needs, Teachers of the Year celebrated, and more Fermin Leal May 3, 2019Students trained through Katella High School’s Building Industry Technology Academy, or BITA, are finding work in the construction sector straight...
Forum aims to create solutions to support at-risk boys and men of color Fermin Leal May 2, 2019More than 500 educators, community leaders, students and others gathered Thursday to discuss how to better support at-risk men and...
OC worker is one of six California Classified School Employees of the Year Ian Hanigan April 29, 2019A cook from the Westminster School District’s central kitchen has been named one of six California Classified School Employees of...
OCDE program combines mindfulness and yoga to improve students’ physical and mental health Ian Hanigan April 18, 2019According to the most recent Orange County Conditions of Children report, 1 in 4 students feels chronically sad or hopeless,...
Local Friday Night Live students target underage drinking Ian Hanigan April 4, 2019Student leaders from the Santiago De Compostela Catholic Church’s Friday Night Live chapter recently staged a town hall-style meeting to...
Weekly roundup: Investigating Salem in 1692, cheering a hero’s return, competing for scholarships, and more Ian Hanigan March 29, 2019A group of students from Thurston Middle School in Laguna Beach recently conducted a mock crime-scene investigation based on one...
Screen time for kids: How soon and how much? Ian Hanigan March 29, 2019With digital media ramping up so quickly and becoming a significant part of our everyday lives, there are a lot...
OCDE, county superintendent to host ‘Saving Our Most Vulnerable Boys and Young Men’ event Ian Hanigan March 20, 2019Educators from Orange County and beyond will gather in May for a special forum to address the needs of vulnerable...