OC Pathways, an initiative that's bringing together schools, colleges and businesses to create new career paths in targeted industry sectors, just capped its first year — and it was quite a year.
Click through to read the latest column from the desk of Dr. Al Mijares, Orange County's superintendent of schools.
How’s this for recognition? State Superintendent Tom Torlakson recently cited the Laguna Beach Unified School District as one of the three leading digital districts in California.
“These bright spots serve as lights of encouragement and guidance for our state,” Torlakson wrote in this letter to district leaders about technology and equity. [...]
The percentage of Orange County students who met the Healthy Fitness Zone performance targets in all six areas decreased slightly, according to the 2014-15 California Physical Fitness Test results released on Friday. [...]
Orange County students have outperformed their state and regional counterparts on new computer-based assessments aligned with California’s English and math instructional standards, according to results released Wednesday by the California Department of Education.
Click through for a summary of Orange County's CAASPP test results.
This year, Orange County students in grades three through eight and 11 took the new computer-based Smarter Balanced assessments, which were designed to measure student knowledge of California’s English language arts and mathematics standards.
While officials from the California Department of Education originally indicated that schools could expect their assessment results during the summer break, we’re told September is now the target. Click through for details.
Today the California Department of Education announced a free professional learning event available to all California PreK-12 teachers, teacher candidates and school administrators.
Click through for information and registration link. [...]
A paid summer internship that has eight talented Santa Ana students working with JPL scientists and engineers is "precisely the type of experience that was envisioned when the state Department of Education awarded our own OC Pathways initiative a $15 million grant to expand career pathways for students from kindergarten through college," writes Dr. Al Mijares, Orange County superintendent of schools.
Click through to read the superintendent’s latest column.
Education reform expert Michael Fullan was the keynote speaker at OCDE’s “Equipping an Emerging Generation” conference, which drew more than 400 educators and business leaders to the Hyatt Regency Orange County.
Hosted by County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Al Mijares, the event also featured Trevor Packer, senior vice president for the College Board. [...]
Teams of students from a half-dozen Orange County elementary schools participated in the latest Elementary Science Olympiad on Saturday, May 2.
Presented by the Orange County Department of Education, the Olympiad was established to promote STEM learning through hands-on activities that draw connections to the real world. [...]
High school graduation rates for California and Orange County have increased for the fifth year in a row, with English-learners accounting for the biggest overall spikes in 2014, according to data released this week.
In Orange County, students who started high school in 2010-11 posted a graduation rate of 88.6 percent in 2014 -- up from 87.5 percent in 2013. That number has been climbing steadily. [...]