OCDE to lead statewide implementation of academic and behavioral framework Ian Hanigan July 12, 2016The Orange County Department of Education has been awarded $30 million in state funding to assist schools and districts throughout California...
Orange County takes its first steps on the road to One Billion Acts of Kindness Ian Hanigan May 5, 2016The countdown to a billion acts of kindness has begun. On Thursday, about 500 educators and community leaders gathered at the...
Beckman High School to host eighth annual SoCal Student Film Festival on April 30 Staff reports April 22, 2016Beckman High School in the Tustin Unified School District will host a national high school student film showcase and competition on...
Navigating the transition: OCDE to offer high school to college workshop Staff reports April 20, 2016Students often say they want to know what college is really like from other students, and parents want to know what...
Mijares: Join OCDE’s efforts to register one billion acts of kindness in Orange County and beyond Al Mijares April 14, 2016It’s been said that a single act of kindness can grow roots in all directions. If that’s true, what would...
Orange County Department of Education to launch One Billion Acts of Kindness initiative Ian Hanigan April 8, 2016Beginning in May, the Orange County Department of Education will embark on an ambitious new campaign encouraging students, educators and...
Have questions about the new SAT? Let the experts at OCDE be your guide Staff reports April 7, 2016High school students who take the SAT this year will face a very different test than those who came before...
OCDE assistant superintendent of instructional services earns CUE award for promoting digital learning Staff reports March 22, 2016She went above and beyond in promoting the educational use of technology to advance student achievement, and now she is being...
Irvine Unified School District superintendent honored for promoting rigorous arts education Ian Hanigan March 14, 2016The Irvine Unified School District and its top administrator were recognized this week for their efforts to strengthen arts education...
Tustin Unified School District and foundation to host educational technology conference Ian Hanigan February 18, 2016The Tustin Unified School District and the Tustin Public Schools Foundation are jointly hosting their second “Connect Institute,” a technology...