Last year, we shared a video that illustrated how the Orange County Department of Education is part of a larger network of county offices of education, or COEs. As we mentioned, there are 58 of these offices across California, each playing a key role in supporting public education.
While county offices don’t govern or oversee local school districts, they do provide essential services to help them operate smoothly. This includes offering professional development for teachers, supporting student performance initiatives, providing fiscal support and aiding in the creation and approval of Local Control and Accountability Plans. In addition, many county offices serve the most vulnerable student groups in their areas.
This year, OCDE has once again teamed up with California County Superintendents to highlight specific student programs administered by COEs, which include juvenile court schools as well as county-operated community schools that serve students who are referred by their home districts or other agencies.
If you’ve got two and a half minutes to spare, we hope you’ll take a look.
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VIDEO: What’s the role of a county office of education? Here’s a quick look.