Applications open Feb. 18 for programs providing free summer meals to children

CESD food truck line
In 2023, the Centralia Elementary School District served more than 21,700 free, nutritious meals, including 4,300 delivered by the district’s mobile food truck during the summer. (Courtesy of Centralia Elementary School District)

More than 15 million free meals were served to children across California last summer through the state’s Summer Food Service Program and the Seamless Summer Option. Applications to participate this year in these federally funded, state-administered programs will open Feb. 18, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced. 

Building on California’s commitment to Universal Meals — launched in the 2022–23 school year to ensure all public school students receive free breakfast and lunch regardless of income — these programs provide children 18 and younger with continued access to nutrition when school is out.

Schools, camps, nonprofits, tribal governments and government agencies are eligible to participate. Applications are due by May 15. Sites in rural areas without congregate meal service may apply to operate a non-congregate service, which allows for meal delivery along bus routes, distribution of multiple meals at once and meal pickup by parents or guardians. 

“The partnerships that the California Department of Education has with local community organizations throughout the state are vital to the success of the Summer Meal Programs,” Superintendent Thurmond said in a news release. “Our ability to reach California’s most vulnerable children would not be possible if organizations did not apply to participate as sponsors or meal service sites.”

In addition to free summer meals, families may also benefit from SUN Bucks, a permanent Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) program that launched in 2024.

SUN Bucks provides eligible families with $40 per child per month in June, July and August — $120 total — to buy groceries. Most children who qualify for free or reduced-price school meals or who receive benefits through CalFresh, CalWORKs or Medi-Cal are automatically enrolled.

For more information, visit the California Department of Education’s Summer Meal Programs web page. To find a meal site, visit the Summer Meal Service Sites web page or download the CA Meals for Kids mobile application.