She went above and beyond in promoting the educational use of technology to advance student achievement, and now she is being recognized for her efforts.

OCDE Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Christine Olmstead was one of 16 ed tech professionals honored at CUE’s National Conference, which was held March 17 through March 19 in Palm Springs. Each year, CUE honors education heroes for infusing curriculum with technology, leading through innovation, and for continuing to find creative ways to help students succeed.
The CUE Conference is the largest education technology conference in California, and among the largest in the country.
Olmstead specifically received ISTE’s Making IT Happen award, which honors outstanding educators and leaders who demonstrate extraordinary commitment, leadership, courage and persistence in improving digital learning opportunities for students. ISTE is the International Society of Technology in Education.
Orange County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Al Mijares was quick to congratulate her on this achievement.
“This award is internationally recognized, and the title is most appropriate — Making It Happen,” said Mijares. “Christine has been making it happen at OCDE for a long time, and our students and their families have been the recipients of her extraordinary efforts.”
Olmstead told the Newsroom she is thankful for the support she’s received.
“I couldn’t ‘Make IT Happen’ without the wonderful support, mentors and colleagues I’ve had throughout my career,” she said.
Olmstead has served in a variety of roles over the past 16 years. She began her teaching career in 1998 in the Brea Olinda Unified School District and later transitioned to the role of education technology specialist. In 2002, she took on the role of educational services specialist, providing support and guidance to all K-12 staff in a wide variety of areas from assessment to Response to Intervention, or RtI.
She currently serves as OCDE’s assistant superintendent of instruction and has taught in the Educational Technology program at California State University, Fullerton.