VIDEO: Surprise! Six exemplary educators learn they’re OC’s Teachers of the Year Ian Hanigan May 22, 2020This year’s Orange County Teacher of the Year announcements looked a bit different. Conspicuously missing was the big yellow bus,...
4 PAL programs and an advisor earn honors for engaging students Ian Hanigan May 19, 2020Four school-based Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL) programs and an advisor have been honored by the Orange County Department of Education...
Saddleback Church teams up with OCDE to provide meals, groceries for OC families Ian Hanigan April 13, 2020April showers didn’t discourage the families who lined up in their cars to pick up boxes of food outside OCDE’s...
VIDEO: OCDE curates distance learning resources for educators, counselors and families Ian Hanigan April 10, 2020As school districts across Orange County pivot to distance learning models in real time, OCDE’s Educational Services division has developed...
County superintendent recommends keeping campuses closed to students, focusing on distance learning this school year Al Mijares April 1, 2020On Friday, March 13, school districts across Orange County made the difficult decision to temporarily dismiss students in response to...
Cal State Fullerton program honors three educators from OCDE, Westminster School District Ian Hanigan March 27, 2020An associate superintendent and two alternative education teachers at the Orange County Department of Education were among dozens of educators...
OCDE’s Harbor Learning Center shows ‘virtual doesn’t have to be impersonal’ Staff reports March 26, 2020Up until recently, students at OCDE’s Harbor Learning Center had been working in a sustainable garden with teacher Marianne Taylor,...
PBS SoCal offering educational programing for students at home Fermin Leal March 19, 2020In response to the closures of nearly all public schools across the region, PBS SoCal has created an At-Home Learning program...
Learning can continue through online options. Here are a few resources Fermin Leal March 16, 2020Schools districts across Orange County are working to offer distance-learning programs for students while schools remained closed because of the...
3 OC campuses named 2020 Model Continuation High Schools Fermin Leal February 25, 2020State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond recently announced that three schools in Orange County are being recognized as Model...