Three OC continuation schools named among state’s best Fermin Leal February 13, 2019The state Department of Education has named Brea Canyon High School in the Brea Olinda Unified School District, Serra High...
OC students explore potential careers at Irvine-based science and tech companies Ian Hanigan February 7, 2019Nearly 300 students from Orange County high schools and community colleges got a chance to visit Irvine-based technology and life...
New partnership will allow some Garden Grove Unified high school students to enroll in college courses Fermin Leal February 5, 2019The Garden Grove Unified School District, the Rancho Santiago Community College District and Santa Ana College will partner to create...
Weekly roundup: Nature preserve celebrates 90th anniversary, proposed state budget boosts school funding, and more Fermin Leal January 11, 2019The Tucker wildlife sanctuary, tucked into the heart of Modjeska Canyon, serves as a living classroom for thousands of students...
La Habra Supt. Culverhouse named among OC’s ‘Most Influential’ Fermin Leal January 8, 2019La Habra School District Superintendent Joanne Culverhouse spearheaded an effort last year to modernize the district’s nine campuses, which included...
Yearly roundup: 10 of our top stories for 2018 Fermin Leal December 28, 2018Now that it’s the end of the year, we wanted to revisit some of our highest read and most notable...
Mijares: Career pathways merge technology with creativity to meet human needs Al Mijares December 18, 2018n a recent Tuesday morning, an atrium inside the Irvine headquarters of Edwards Lifesciences offered a glimpse of the transformational...
Weekly roundup: Grad rates, a middle school entrepreneur, a mobile planetarium and more Ian Hanigan November 30, 2018Orange County’s graduation rate edged up slightly in 2018. Figures released this week by the state Department of Education show that...
OC Pathways recognized as a model of public-private partnerships Ian Hanigan November 30, 2018An OCDE initiative that builds career pathways in key industry sectors and creates work-based learning opportunities for students has been...
VIDEO: Schools’ career training programs spotlighted at annual OC Pathways Showcase Fermin Leal November 27, 2018Alex Hernandez spent much of his four years at Los Alamitos High School learning skills that will help him save...