OCDE recruits school teams for 2024-25 Academic Decathlon and Pentathlon events Vicky Nguyen September 24, 2024As the new school year unfolds, the Orange County Department of Education invites middle and high school teams to participate...
Schools to include Mendez v. Westminster case in curriculum based on new law Ian Hanigan September 24, 2024Public schools across California will include the landmark civil rights case Mendez v. Westminster in history and social science courses...
Educators to get first look at Vietnamese American model curriculum at San Jose conference Staff reports September 24, 2024A new model curriculum that focuses on the history, culture and experiences of Vietnamese Americans will be introduced at a...
Two Orange County schools earn 2024 National Blue Ribbon honors Vicky Nguyen September 23, 2024The U.S. Department of Education has awarded two Orange County campuses the 2024 National Blue Ribbon Schools honor, considered the...
Dr. Bean: AI signals a new era for teaching and learning in Orange County Stefan Bean September 23, 2024As an eighth-grader, Ibrahim Memon from Tustin’s Legacy Magnet Academy began working on an AI-powered app designed to allow rideshare...
Weekly roundup: OC seniors named National Merit Scholarship semifinalists, students return to home campuses after fire closures, and more Vicky Nguyen September 20, 2024More than 220 high school seniors from Orange County have been named semifinalists in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program,...
WATCH: Celebrity Chef Jonathan Zaragoza highlights Ocean View High School’s Hispanic Heritage Festival Nathaniel Martinez September 19, 2024Tacos are generally a can’t-miss food item in terms of taste. Now imagine how much better they would taste if...
OC fire update: Robinson and Trabuco elementary schools reopen Tuesday as evacuation orders are lifted Staff reports September 16, 2024Below is a running digest on Orange County fires and school closures. For official information on local fires, evacuations and...
Six Orange County campuses recently named among America’s Healthiest Schools Madeline Gray September 16, 2024Six Orange County schools were recognized for their dedication to advancing the health of students, staff and families — earning...
Weekly roundup: Cybersecurity center is unveiled at Magnolia High, 45 student teams race in Hydrogen Grand Prix final, and more Madeline Gray September 13, 2024Magnolia High School students enrolled in the cybersecurity pathway will further enhance their technological operations skills with state-of-the-art equipment and...