Santa Ana Unified has served more than 1 million student meals since closures Ian Hanigan May 15, 2020The Santa Ana Unified School District reached a milestone this week by serving its one millionth grab-and-go meal since closing...
Irvine senior will perform during national ‘Graduate Together’ event honoring the class of 2020 Ian Hanigan May 14, 2020A student from Irvine has been selected to perform during an hour-long tribute to graduating seniors that will air across...
OCDE art contest underscores the importance of census participation — even during a pandemic Ian Hanigan May 12, 2020To drive home the importance of participating in the U.S. Census, the Orange County Department of Education is encouraging students...
Newport-Mesa’s TeWinkle Middle School uses distance learning to showcase living history Ian Hanigan April 30, 2020The Newport-Mesa Unified School District recently shared this story about a pair of teachers bringing history to life by virtually...
VIDEO: OCDE curates distance learning resources for educators, counselors and families Ian Hanigan April 10, 2020As school districts across Orange County pivot to distance learning models in real time, OCDE’s Educational Services division has developed...
County superintendent recommends keeping campuses closed to students, focusing on distance learning this school year Al Mijares April 1, 2020On Friday, March 13, school districts across Orange County made the difficult decision to temporarily dismiss students in response to...
Santa Ana educator nominated for National History Day’s top teacher honor Fermin Leal March 25, 2020Erik Peterson, a teacher at Santiago Elementary in Santa Ana Unified School District, has been nominated for National History Day’s ...
PBS SoCal offering educational programing for students at home Fermin Leal March 19, 2020In response to the closures of nearly all public schools across the region, PBS SoCal has created an At-Home Learning program...
Learning can continue through online options. Here are a few resources Fermin Leal March 16, 2020Schools districts across Orange County are working to offer distance-learning programs for students while schools remained closed because of the...
UPDATE: National History Day-OC competition moved to virtual format amid COVID-19 concerns Ian Hanigan March 12, 2020UPDATE: In response to recent guidance from the California Department of Public Health and California Governor Gavin Newsom, and in...