Not-for-profit AI program encourages students to pursue careers in STEM Madeline Gray October 31, 2022STEM students from the Irvine and Tustin unified school districts were awarded for their dynamic innovations at this year’s Intel...
OC students outperform peers on assessments that reflect pandemic-era disruptions Ian Hanigan October 24, 2022Along with marking the first full year of in-person instruction in the age of COVID-19, the 2021-22 school year saw...
Weekly roundup: OCDE honors Santiago High teacher for alcohol and drug prevention, Laguna Beach High senior makes history, and more Vicky Nguyen October 21, 2022A health teacher from Santiago High School received a surprise visit from her students, family and representatives from the Orange...
Garden Grove Unified student earns global recognition for cancer-detecting toothbrush Madeline Gray October 20, 2022A prototype for an early cancer-detecting toothbrush scored high school student Phuc James Chau Nguyen an exclusive spot in the...
Orange County Children’s Book Festival to promote diversity in literacy Madeline Gray September 26, 2022The annual Orange County Children’s Book Festival, coming up this weekend on Oct. 2, will star an array of authors...
Weekly roundup: Brea Canyon High creates ‘Care Closet’ for students, national Blue Ribbon school, Hispanic Heritage Month, and more Vicky Nguyen September 23, 2022When high school student Nathaniel Ornelas needed a suit to wear to a job interview, he turned to Brea Canyon...
Nine OC students named top STEM scholars at Broadcom Masters Madeline Gray September 19, 2022Broadcom MASTERS recently announced its top middle school students, spotlighting 300 young innovators from across the country who have made...
USA Today ranks Orange County high school esports teams on national list Vicky Nguyen September 15, 2022Two high schools from Orange County were included in USA Today’s list of the top high school esport teams since...
Weekly roundup: Marina High tennis star plays through epilepsy, school professionals discuss plans at safety summit, and more Madeline Gray September 2, 2022While professional tennis players have been serving up powerful matches in the U.S. Open this past week, local high school...
VIDEO: Los Alamitos Unified School District unveils new three-story STEM building Vicky Nguyen August 29, 2022The new school year marked a big milestone for the Los Alamitos Unified School District and its only high school,...