Download the free app for OCDE’s One Billion Acts of Kindness campaign

Since OCDE launched its One Billion Acts of Kindness initiative in 2016, more than 9.6 million good deeds have been logged on the website, and many of you have shared personal stories about kindness in your community.

Some of you have also sent us helpful feedback, and one of the more popular suggestions has been this: Why don’t you guys create a kindness app?

Girl holding iPhone with kindness appSo we did. (And yes, we’re counting it as a kind act.)

Available for iOS and Android devices, OCDE’s new One Billion Acts of Kindness app lets you submit acts of altruism and share stories from your tablet or smartphone with just a few taps, and we’ve added cheers and confetti to let you know your goodwill has been tallied.

In fact, all acts submitted through the app will count toward our running total, which is updated every week at

“While this campaign seeks to quantify kindness with the goal of reaching one billion acts, our broader aim is to promote character, improve school climates and amplify civility in Orange County and beyond, and we want to make it easy for everyone to participate,” Orange County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Al Mijares said. “This app was designed as a simple, intuitive and engaging resource that can be used by children and adults to document kindness in the classroom, at home, or out in the community.”

Heart iconTo download the app on an iPhone or iPad, click on the heart graphic or visit Apple’s App Store. (You may need to search for “One Billion Acts of Kindness,” “OCDE kindness” or something better we haven’t thought of yet.) Or you can visit the Google Play Store on your Android device.

It’s fun, easy and free.