The Deeper Learning Podcast | On ‘Bilingual Education’ with Orange County Supt. Al Mijares

Bilingual education has seen a resurgence in recent years, with parents, businesses and educators touting the advantages of multiple-language acquisition for students and society as a whole.

But the story of bilingual education isn’t a simple one — particularly in California, where voter-backed propositions have alternately restricted and revitalized dual-language instruction.

The Deeper Learning Podcast

In the latest episode of The Deeper Learning Podcast, Orange County Superintendent Al Mijares tracks the back-and-forth history of bilingual education, shows how dual immersion really works in the classroom and examines the developmental benefits of fluency in more than one language.

The Deeper Learning Podcast was launched in 2017 to explore stories about life, learning and education at a deeper level. To start listening or to check out past episodes, visit, or click on the graphic. You can also subscribe to The Deeper Learning Podcast on iTunes, where new episodes are posted.

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