Kindness Korner: Pay for delivery or pay it forward, couple offers to help move couch Staff reports September 16, 2016Melinda and her family were in the market for a new couch, and they found the perfect one at a local...
‘Ideas in action’ to be featured at the 2017 OCDE STEM Student Showcase Staff reports September 15, 2016It’s more than just spotlighting an idea — it’s about bringing STEM to life. The OCDE STEM Student Showcase has annually highlighted the...
In the news: New school accountability system, an elementary school reopens, free educational mobile app and more Staff reports September 9, 2016We’ve made it to another Friday, and that means it’s time for the weekly roundup of top Orange County education...
Hailing ‘new system for a new era,’ state Board of Education approves updated school accountability model Staff reports September 9, 2016Say goodbye to measuring a school’s performance based on a single number, and say hello to a new, multifaceted system of...
New mobile app created in OC features early childhood development activities Staff reports September 8, 2016With the help of a $15,000 grant from OCDE, the Children and Families Commission of Orange County has unveiled a free...
#kindness1billion: A new school year presents new opportunities to reach One Billion Acts of Kindness Staff reports September 6, 2016Call it the ripple effect, when one single act of kindness impacts not only the recipient, but the giver, those witnessing and even those...
In the news: Public opinions of public education, school supplies for a local homeless facility, upgrades at Katella High and more Staff reports September 2, 2016Have you missed an education story in Orange County this week? We’ve got you covered: The Orange County Rescue Mission’s...
September 1 marks beginning of Attendance Awareness Month Staff reports September 1, 2016Students are filing into classrooms all across Orange County as the new school year begins, and the goal is to keep those...
In the news: New STEM labs open, OC students make gains on standards tests, free web design classes for students and more Staff reports August 26, 2016It’s that time of the week when you’re ready for the weekend, but yes, only after you catch up on all the...
In the news: School bond measures in OC, lessons for educators on Chinese culture and more Staff reports August 19, 2016Let us help you catch up on this week’s top education stories in Orange County: The Program to Advance Cultural Education...